How PFM Can Support Your Commercial Preventative Maintenance

Commercial Preventative Maintenance

How PFM Can Support Your Commercial Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is a process of systematic upkeep of a property or asset. The goal is to monitor the condition of your property and address any potential issues before they turn into costly damage. If professional cleaning isn’t part of your maintenance schedule in Texas, this is your sign to partner with PFM. Let’s look at how we can support your preventative maintenance plan.

Clearing Outdoor Buildup

When dirt and debris build up on the exterior walls, windows, and sidewalks surrounding your commercial property, that buildup does more than diminish curb appeal. Over time, grime can wear away cement, grout, and other structural materials. It can also trap moisture, leading to mold growth and water damage. Our power washing services are designed to carefully treat and clean all exterior surfaces without causing any additional wear and tear.

Protecting Your Flooring

Hard flooring like granite and marble can increase the appearance and property value of your commercial building. However, these materials are porous. You’ll need to invest in specialized care to keep stone flooring clean and ward off permanent damage. Our team will routinely remove grime and spills that could otherwise cause etching or staining. We can also strip away old wax and recoat your floors with new, durable finishes that will provide protection and restore that luxurious shine. The correct cleaning and coating schedule can add decades to your floors.

Improving Indoor Air Quality

Good preventative maintenance accomplishes two goals at once: protecting your assets and protecting the health of your employees. When it comes to workplace safety, accidents aren’t the only threat. Poor indoor air quality can cause both short and long-term respiratory problems. Our professional team will remove the pollutants and toxins that settle on surfaces around your workspace so they can’t recirculate through the air or get trapped in your HVAC system.

Preserving Asset Conditions

A preventative maintenance schedule will prolong the lifespan of all commercial property, not just the building itself. When you invest in office furnishings like chairs, desks, and even décor, you expect them to last for more than a year or two. PFM’s cleaning services target more than floors, windows, and countertops and include furniture, upholstery, and more. We can remove germs, tough stains, dust, and unsightly residue from any surface so that you don’t have to spend money on fixed assets year after year.

Tracking Quality Control

It’s easy to assume that you and your employees can stay on top of routine cleaning on your own. However, without the proper equipment, expertise, and quality control tracking, it’s impossible to know if you’re getting the job done adequately. At PFM, our expertise spans multiple industries, and we use stringent tracking and reporting procedures to ensure that every service is executed properly. If you’re ready to take a more proactive approach to maintenance, call PFM today and create your own customized cleaning schedule!