Is Your Breakroom Clean? A Complete Breakroom Sanitation Checklist

breakroom sanitation checklist

Breakrooms are an integral part of any workspace, providing a place for employees to recharge for the second half of the day. They also have the potential to attract germs, mold growth, and even foodborne illnesses. Is your breakroom as clean as you think it is? Read on for our complete breakroom sanitation checklist.

Handles and Appliances

If there’s one thing we talk about often here at PFM, it’s the importance of cleaning high-touch surfaces. In your breakroom, that includes doorknobs, cabinet pulls, and the handles on appliances. At a minimum, you should be disinfecting these areas at the beginning or end of every workday.

What about the appliances themselves? Ask that employees label the food they leave in the fridge or freezer and throw out any remaining food at the end of each week. Deep clean your microwave at least once a week to not only prevent the buildup of unappetizing debris but also issues like cross contamination. Commit to disinfecting the shelves and drawers inside your refrigerator at least once a month.

Sinks and Countertops

Wet sponges provide the perfect habitat for bacteria and mold, so consider switching to scrub brushes. Enforce a policy that all breakroom dishes must be washed immediately after use to avoid the pileup of dishes in the sink. Ask that employees use paper towels to wipe up countertop spills as they happen to prevent sticky residue and staining.

Keeping the sink and countertops clear of dishes and clutter also makes it easier to disinfect both surfaces once a day. This will cut down the spread of germs and viruses and create a food-safe environment that your employees can enjoy.

Trash Bins

Surprisingly, trash bins are often one of the most overlooked areas when it comes to breakroom cleaning. Sure, you might take the trash out when you notice it’s full, but when was the last time you disinfected the bins?

To keep germs and unpleasant odors at bay, always use trash bin liners and empty each bin once a day. At the end of every week, spray the inside and outside of the bins with a cleaning product that kills germs and lingering smells. Allow the spray to sit for at least a few minutes to effectively neutralize any bacteria before wiping the bins down with paper towels.

Breakroom Floors

Breakroom floors are last on the list because they’re the last thing you should clean each day. That way, you remove any crumbs or debris that fall from other surfaces like countertops during routine cleanings. Start by sweeping or vacuuming solid materials before mopping the floors with the appropriate cleaning agents (e.g., linoleum cleaner for linoleum floors). The goal is to reduce slip and fall hazards, prevent unsightly stains, and protect your office floors from deterioration.

Breakroom sanitation takes more than a few minutes and a handful of paper towels. To ensure that your Texas breakroom is a safe and comfortable place to eat and relax, schedule with Prime Facility Maintenance janitorial services.