Each time a new year rolls around, it’s natural to get the urge to better ourselves or set bigger, brighter goals. As a business owner or office manager, applying that same principle to your work environment can have astounding ripple effects on office morale. Let’s look at a few key approaches to refreshing your Dallas-Fort Worth office for a new year.
Decluttering Your Space
In the past year, your office has accumulated clutter as far as the eye can see. The filing cabinets are packed tight with old financial reports and project notes. The storage shelves are a mess of half-used legal pads and loose pens. Even your digital cloud has devolved into chaos.
Now is a great time to make a group effort to declutter and organize. Shred documents you no longer need physical copies of and clearly label anything you decide to keep from previous years. Use boxes and bins to organize office supplies and commit to using what you have before reordering products you don’t yet need. An organized space can yield better moods, higher productivity, and even reduced waste.
Updating Your Aesthetic
When was the last time you repainted the office or changed out the décor? An outdated office aesthetic does little to inspire employees or impress clients. The good news is that a few simple changes can make a major difference.
If your paint colors are on the beige side of neutral, consider going with a brighter white that will maximize natural light. Add in some earth tones for a soothing feel or bright warm tones to energize. Swap out fluorescent and incandescent bulbs for LED lights that go from cool to warm as the day goes on, mirroring the body’s natural circadian rhythm. Finally, replace any furniture that is no longer comfortable or practical to use.
Committing to Cleanliness
Clutter isn’t the only eyesore your office may be sporting. Dust, dirt, and grime can also take a toll on workplace morale and even lead to worse health outcomes. This year, don’t expect your office workers to chip in to keep the office clean. Outsource that job to the professionals.
At PFM, we have the skills and supplies to reset your office each week. Our expert team will work with you to create a cleaning schedule that meets your specific needs and keeps your office clean from carpet to ceiling.
Investing in Special Maintenance Projects
It’s easy to put off special maintenance projects year after year but eventually, they’re going to create an eyesore at best and structural damage at worst. This is the year to finally invest in things like granite and marble floor maintenance and exterior power washing. Professionalism is in the little details, and your clients will take notice when give your commercial property the care it deserves.
Prime Facility Maintenance is here to support your goal to refresh your DFW office. Contact us to begin your consultation and create a customized cleaning and maintenance schedule.