Tidying Between Scheduled Cleanings: Tips for Office Organization

tips for office organization

You’ve already hired Prime Facility Maintenance to keep your Texas office clean and sanitary. However, you’ve noticed that the office can get a bit cluttered between scheduled cleanings. Here are our top tips for office organization and maintaining a clean space all week long.

Toss Garbage Daily

Yesterday’s half-empty coffee cup is still sitting on your desk and there’s a stack of junk mail at the reception station. There are old food wrappers in the breakroom and used paper towels wadded up on the bathroom floor. Place trash and recycling bins around the office for easy, environmentally friendly waste disposal and commit to discarding trash throughout the day. This can reduce your risk of pests, combat unpleasant odors, and encourage employees to be more respectful of their workspace.

Create a System for Supplies

If you want to get serious about office organization, take stock of your biggest problem areas. Does your supply storage area tend to look a bit disheveled? Creating a simple and intuitive organization system can help. Sort items by type and store them in clear drawers or open bins. Keep things labeled and accessible to prevent employees from rummaging around to find what they need and putting things back where they don’t belong.

Eat Meals in the Breakroom

Are your employees skipping their lunch breaks and eating at their desks? If so, they’re not alone. While eating at your desk may seem like a great way to maximize productivity, taking a midday break is an important part of preventing afternoon burnout. Plus, it keeps crumbs, spills, and food residue confined to the breakroom. Enforce the policy that employees stick to the breakroom while eating meals to not only support ongoing productivity but reduce sanitation problems.

Make a Habit of Decluttering Desks

An employee’s workstation can make or break their concentration. A cluttered desk can create distractions and leave employees feeling too stressed to focus on impending deadlines. Keeping your office organized between professional cleanings should be a group effort, so start an office habit of decluttering desks at the end of the day. Give employees five to ten minutes before clocking out to throw out trash, organize files, and return unused supplies to the supply closet. A daily reset can keep morale high and lead to lasting focus all week long.

Keep Disinfectant Wipes Handy

In an office setting, it’s easy to spread germs, especially during cold and flu season. Professional cleaners can make a big difference by thoroughly disinfecting high-touch surfaces like door handles, office phones, and countertops. By keeping disinfectant wipes handy, you can provide an extra layer of protection for your employees. Use them to wipe down high-touch surfaces between scheduled janitorial services, especially if employees are reporting feeling ill.

Prime Facility Maintenance makes it easy to customize your Texas office cleaning schedule and services to suit your needs. With our help, you can ensure that your office is truly clean week after week.